Forever a “partner to our customers”
Plastic has been playing a greater role in our daily lives with each year passing.
Plastic materials are used in a wide range of fields, from everyday items like home appliances, stationery articles, daily commodities, mobile information devices and automobiles to means of public transport like trains and planes, and even medical equipment. Comparing all of the above products with their respective versions from 70 years ago it’s obvious that they have evolved at a dizzying pace, and it is no exaggeration to say that plastic, together with computers, has played a major role in that evolution. If our lives today are convenient and comfortable it is because the properties of plastic, as a substitute for metal, rubber and wood, have significantly improved over the years.
With regard to the plastic sector, our company plays a role in assisting with manpower saving, labor saving and automation at manufacturing sites of plastic components. Most importantly, we are a "comprehensive manufacturer" committed to comprehensively solve problems at molding plants, starting by promoting labor saving and automation with our robots and expanding into fields like the drying of materials and temperature control of molds, thanks to which we are still in business after more than 60 years since our establishment.

While in recent years plastic has often been under the spotlight because of its environmental impact, plastic keeps evolving, and new plastic materials are continuously being developed which boast improved functions and performance and also incorporate environmental considerations. In our customers' plastic manufacturing plants too, demand for environmental improvements is increasing year after year. We believe that our customers’ concerns and desired standards will become more and more sophisticated, and as a comprehensive manufacturer, we will continue to strive to provide them with "total solutions."
HARMO will continue prioritizing being a “partner to our customers" as well as a corporate group that strives to earn the trust and satisfaction of its customers.
HARMO Co., Ltd.
President and CEOHideaki Hama